Category: Words from Adam

  • Updated “About Me” Page — Now With Clients

    I’ve been very busy with projects over the last few months, and I have not posted much new information. I have a number of new posts in the works on topics ranging from hosting providers to improved recording environments. Until then, I wanted to point out that I have updated my About Me page to…

  • New Podcast: The Puzzle Podcast

    I’d like to officially announce my newest podcasting endeavor: The Puzzle Podcast. I’m co-hosting this short weekly show of brainteasers with David Leschinsky, the owner of Eureka Puzzles, a popular puzzle and game store in Brookline, Massachusetts. The premise is simple: we pick a puzzle type for the week, explain how it works and do…

  • GarageBand ’08: A Review for Podcasters

    Last week, Apple introduced iLife ’08, the latest version of their multimedia software bundle – and that means a new version of the impressive GarageBand audio software. Of course, impressive is a strong term, but I would definitely apply it to a piece of software that gives you powerful and easy-to-use recording, mixing, and editing…