Category: Words from Adam
Promoting Your Podcast to Get More Listeners
A common dilemma: you have a podcast, but nobody is listening. Before I get into what to do about that, here’s something to make you feel better: As of April 30th, 2007, Feedburner is tracking the feeds of 106,270 podcasts. A few months ago, the company said that they were tracking about 6,200,000 people subscribed…
100 Million iPods
Yesterday, Apple announced that 100 million iPods have been sold since the release of the original 5GB iPod on November 10th, 2001. That’s an average of 50,607 per day (or a bit better than one every two seconds). For comparison, Sony sold about 150 million Walkman cassette players between 1979 and 1995 (when they started…
Adobe Releases Free Public Beta of New Audio Software
I haven’t downloaded it or tried it yet, but Adobe yesterday released a free public beta of their new Soundbooth audio application. According to this Macworld article, “Soundbooth will target the same professional market as Apple’s SoundTrack Pro.” “I think they are probably going after the same market, ” Hart Shafer, senior product manager for…